Saturday, June 9, 2012

Paris, The Reality So Far

You are looking at one tired and bedraggled gal right now.  Our trip did not get off to a good start.  After boarding our direct flight to Paris in Charlotte we sat on the plane for awhile after our planned departure time.  The captain came on the PA system and said there was a problem with a smoke sensor in the cargo hold and we could not take off until it was fixed or replaced.  We sat on the ground with updates for three hours.  The problem was never resolved and the entire group of passengers had to disembark and walk to another terminal on the other side of the airport and wait 30 minutes to board a substitute plane.  We spent over 4 hours on the ground and another 8 hours in flight.

But we are here and I am in love with the city of light.  Because of the delay in arriving, the person who was supposed to meet us and let us into the apartment could not do so for two hours.  That is why I am sitting at a sidewalk cafe sipping wine with all of our luggage.  The cafe owner was kind enough to store our luggage for us so that we could do a little exploring on rue Cler.  Who says the French are unfriendly?

Before we browsed the shops on the street we fortified ourselves with omelets and salad.  The omelets were absolutely delicious.

The market street has everything from flowers to cheese.  We bought two individual quiches, croissants and fresh strawberries.

In spite of the rocky start, everything is beautiful.  We are resting before our dinner tonight at Reed.  Will continue with my postcard from Paris soon.


  1. I'm sure the travel gods will treat you kindly from this point on. All trips should have an adventure and yours is now out of the way. The rest of the trip will be smooth sailing. Have a wonderful time. Blessings...Mary

  2. wow! it looks like you're having a blast! i love paris! and you've had some delicious eats too! thanks for sharing!

  3. Traveling is always a challenge. You either object or go with the flow. By your relaxed position, I'd say all is well. So lovely you are keeping in touch with us left behind in the USA.

  4. Dear, so glad you eventually made it safely - so frustrating and very tiring I know but that's part of traveling the wide world I'm afraid.
    You look amazing and the surroundings couldn't be prettier. Know you are going to love it all once you're refreshed and rested. Looking forward to the review on Reed.

    As for us, we arrived at JFK yesterday for the 11:00 am flight and, after almost 15 hours, arrived stiff and tired in Johannesburg at 8:00 am today. We showered, napped, and have just had dinner here in the out early tomorrow for Botswana (two flights and then a bumpy trail drive to reach Abu Elephant Camp). Intro to the lodge and elephant herd on arrival, then first game drive tomorrow afternoon, so a very busy day!!!!

    Not sure I'll have any Internet for a while after today - hope to catch up with your posts somewhere along the way.
    Enjoy every moment Penny.
    Hugs - Mary and Bob

  5. You're there! Ah, Penny, what a wonderful time you're going to have. I look forward to savouring every, single post!

  6. What beautiful flowers! Sorry to hear about your delay but it is nice to know that things are moving forward. Your omelet looks delicious!

  7. Oh Penny, jet lag is hard enough when the plane takes off ON time, but add the horrible wait you had to endure - you poor things. How cool to have an omelet and salad on arrival - just like Ina & Jeffrey.
    Bonne journee,

  8. Sorry to hear to your plane troubles. It seeems as though that happens all to often anymore, which is why I rarely fly. Hopefully you have your only bad behind you and the rest of the trip will be smooth. It looks like you found a good way to wile away a couple of hours.

  9. I have been waiting for this day!! Looking forward to my trip to France via your eyes!!

  10. Sorry about your delay, Penny, but you are there now on one of the best little streets in the world. My daughter and I were talking about you this morning and are wondering how you like the apartment. I look forward to every post.

  11. I know how frustrating those delays can be but so glad you are having a wonderful time. My blog today is featuring the lovely Dorie Greenspan recipe you featured a while back. I'm so sorry that I couldn't remember where I first learned of the recipe and asked for "help". Karen, from Karen Cooks, came to the rescue and I've now given you the credit for leading me to such a delicious recipe. I love Dorie's cookbook!


  12. Well, glad that crazy trip is behind you now! You look right at home sitting there in Paris. I am remembering when I walked Rue Cler. Can't wait to hear and see all you do!

  13. I know I will enjoy your postcards from Paris!

  14. In spite of the inauspicious beginning, it sounds like you are going to have a wonderful time in Paris. I'm looking forward to reading/seeing more of these wonderful postcards. Rue Cler is a beautiful area.

  15. Delays, jetlag and all the planning shot to heck... Glad all that stuff is out of the way! Enjoy

