Friday, June 1, 2012

Paris on my Mind

I am taking a short blogging break.  We are leaving for France on June 8th and there is much to do before we board the plane.  I am excited about the trip and plan on blogging while we are there.  One of the adventures that I am looking forward to in Paris is a cooking class with Catherine Reed at her restaurant Reed.  She is not as well known as a Patricia Wells or a Dorrie Greenspan, but she and her restaurant are a "hidden gem" that has yet to be discovered.   The information is here.  Reed is just around the corner from our apartment.  We will have our first dinner there on Saturday.  Catherine Reed is French Canadian and her menu is in French and English.  This will ease us into Paris while we are still jet lagged and confused.  The cooking class will be on Tuesday and for a small charge, David will join us for lunch with the results of our endeavor.

The rue Cler market street is just blocks from our apartment.  I plan to spend lots of time here stocking up on cheese, wine, bread and croissants.  Throw in a rotisserie chicken or two and I'm sure we will not go hungry.

Then it is off to Provence for a week.  We will be staying in the village of Isle sur la Sorgue known for its canals, waterwheels and antiques.  We are looking forward to exploring many of the villages in Provence and plan a tour of the Bandol wineries.

Our last week will be spent in Tours in the Loire Valley, home to beautiful chateaux and wineries.  We have French friends there and look forward to seeing them again.

So until later . . . . Au revoir!   A bientot.


  1. I just have goose bumps thinking about your trip. Enjoy, enjoy and be sure to enjoy!! Some cafe au lait, crossiants, cheese, baguette and wine!! Sounds like a perfect day to me. So looking forward to hearing ALL about it. Be safe.

  2. I know it will all be fabulous and can't wait to hear about Reed. Read the great reviews so know you are in for a treat!
    As for Sorgue - as I told you, you'll wish you could fill a container and ship it to the lake house from the Sun. antiques market - or better still ship to my cottage, lol!!!!!! Awesome brocante - take lots of euros!

    My brother celebrated his 60th at the world's #2 rated restaurant last weekend - El Celler de Can Roca (3 brothers, 3 Michelin stars) in Girona, Spain. They had to wait 8 months for a reservation! Was is worth it, apparently a definite yes, and I'm waiting to get the menu! They were almost ready to file bankruptcy after looking at the bill, ha! ha!

    As we both cross the pond next Friday I'll be waving to any planes I see - just in case one is yours!
    Bon voyage dear friend - Bob joins me in wishing you an awesome time in France. I may not have Internet while in Africa so will catch up with your posts later - don't think I'm ignoring you if you see no comments!

    Hugs - Mary

  3. we did the Bandol etc area last year for a week - enjoyed the seaside towns and restuarants - Bandol wines are probably my fav for ageable reds - Pibarnon is a nice stop but up in the hills - Bandol hosts a store with a collection of the region to sample, Tempier is supposed to be the father of the region for promoting it. All we tasted were very good - just had a Ch Fregate from a local store that was excellent! I have a case of assorted wineries to age for 8-12 years to let them round out - pretty tannic when young!
    to me all roses' are the same so don't over spend on them - 5e is plenty to me!

    will look forward to your Reed review - we end up in Paris after 2 weeks near Nice and inland and then 4 days in Paris - have a few nights for a great meal!` Dsevig - the "trout" of Schnitzel and the Trout blog

    1. Thanks Trout for all of the good info. Will let you know how we fare.

  4. This trip sounds wonderful. I do hope that you enjoy it and bring back all kinds of tasty recipes for us to follow. Be safe...Balisha

  5. Bon voyage Penny & David. Your trip sounds like a dream come true. Wish we could all go with you. Have fun. Can't wait to hear all about it.

  6. I am so excited for you both. Have a wonderful time, enjoy every second!

  7. Sounds wonderful! Enjoy your trip. I can hardly wait to hear about your exploits!

  8. I have never been to Paris;but spent 2 weeks in Antibes, Provence a few years ago; Fantastic! Enjoy your trip, and enjoy your break. Take notes and photos so you can share when you get back.

  9. Oh, have so much fun and take LOTS of photos to share (just a Suggestion, I did my separate "Daily Photos in St Thomas" blog as a separate blog so I could show more photos and did not feel stuck with just food photos. We are all living vicariously through you!

    Dave and Jackie

  10. I know you'll both have a really great time!

  11. Bon voyage! Have a wonderful time. We'll look forward to hearing about your trip when you return.

  12. Have a wonderful trip! I look forward to the details when you return.... and thanks for the restaurant tip - we're going up to Paris in Sept.

  13. Wow! Can't wait to hear all about it. I'll be checking in regularly! - Gary

  14. Have a wonderful time creating fantastic memories! I look forward to hearing your stories from France.

  15. I'm thrilled for you, Penny, and look forward to your posts during your trip. What fun to take a cooking class in Paris. I will be especially interest to read about that! You will love rue Cler and all the wonderful little shops there. Bon Voyage!

  16. Have a blast Penny!!!! I know you will!

  17. Have a wonderful time, Penny. I'll be there vicariously!

  18. Thanks for the note dear - like you we are in the last throes of packing. Actually I'm repacking because I'm over the weight limit for the small planes between African countries - they are very strict for safety's sake and we cannot have more than 44 lbs. total - that's everything including cameras and carryon!

    Have a a fabulous time en France Penny - can't wait to hear all about your great adventure. Love it all, embrace the flavors, sights and sounds both in the city of light and the lovely villages and markets when you get to Provence.

    Again, bon voyage.
    Hugs - Mary
