Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Our Valentine's Celebration

We decided to have everyone over to our house for dessert Sunday night because we were not only celebrating Valentine's Day, but a birthday and an anniversary.  The guys took us out for a wonderful dinner at Creekside in St. Augustine and then promised to serenade us with a special Valentine's song.  They did pretty well singing accapella, or is that acapella, or a capella.  They gave it their all however you spell it.  We had a good laugh, so I thought I would share it with you.  Tonight we will have a simple meal for two; Steak au Poivre, roasted potatoes and asparagus.    Maybe a little Rod Stewart . . . unless I can convince the guys to come back.  Enjoy your Valentine's Day.


  1. Awe....how sweet! Was David singing too?

    Happy Valentine's Day....see you next month hopefully!

  2. You gals are so lucky to be married to such great singers among other things. I loved this.
