Thursday, February 16, 2012

A Little Help From My Friends

Sometimes it is hard to figure out what to have for dinner.  On those occasions you can either check out your cookbooks or food magazines, or go to your internet friends.  I feel like I know lots of creative cooks in my circle of internet friends.  We may have never met, but I know what you are like, how you think, what you find funny and what you like to eat.  We reveal much about ourselves through our blogs.  So far, I have not been wrong.  I have met several bloggers after following them for a while and they were just as I surmised.

Katie of Thyme for Cooking is one of my friends.  Hopefully I am not being presumptuous.  Katie lives in the South of France and she and her husband are restoring their farmhouse.  Katie is funny, straightforward, hard working and an accomplished cook.  She recently made this potato gratin for dinner and it sounded just right to me.  I had just purchased a hunk of Gruyere cheese and knew this would be the perfect use for it.   I was right.  The potato gratin has sauteed shallots to which a bit of brown sugar is added to help caramelize them.  They add a hint of sweetness to the casserole.  So thank you Katie for a great, easy recipe.  You can view it on her website.

So what to have with the potatoes?  I had pork chops.  I found the perfect recipe on The Pioneer Woman's website.  Now, I probably will never have the opportunity to meet Ree Drummond, but that doesn't stop me from feeling like I know her.  She is funny too and she has shared so much of her life with all of us on her blog that I'm sure she understands why every one of us wants to meet Marlboro Man.  My picture does not look half as good as hers (Have you seen the size of her camera?).  But the chops were outstanding.  They were browned briefly and then a pan sauce was made with red wine, beef broth, whole garlic cloves and balsamic vinegar.  They were succulent and rich.

So thank you friends for a great dinner.

I am not retiring my cookbooks, but a little help from friends sometimes comes in handy at dinner time.


  1. Sounds like you've put together a wonderful dinner from inspirations of friends Penny. Gruyere cheese is one of my favorites and what goes better with pork chops than cheesy potatoes.

  2. Oh Yummy! I love cheesy potatoes! You always inspire me with your wonderful recipes....luckily, I have had a chance to meet you and become in person friends.

  3. The only thing that would be better is to have these friends over for dinner.

  4. Just found your Blog thru Pinterest- you do a great job and I am definitely going to try many of your recipes. We recently moved full-time to our lake house on Green Lake WI. We downsized quite a bit and I am immersed in trying to figure out how to fit everything along with some remodeling jobs! I don't blog as well as you do but once in awhile I remember to post something- haha! Thanks for all the great recipes!

  5. Yeah cheese and potatoes are really one step closer to God aren't they? Thanks for the reminder.

  6. I'm so glad you liked them... Those chops look fantastic, great combination. Wouldn't it be fun to really sit around a table together?

  7. This looks like an amazing dinner. It is one that we would love....delicious.

  8. PW does have some great recipes, doesn't she? Love this recipe too and it seems to be making the blogger rounds lately.

  9. Thanks for the link to Katie's blog, Penny. Looks like one to check on often...certainly as indicated by this divine potato dish.
    Isn't it amazing what a wide circle of friends we have? :)

  10. Your meal looks fantastic!
    Like you I love finding recipes from my blogger friends; I have to got visit these2. Have not made thes potatoes in a very long time; very tempted with your photo.
