Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Southern-Style Tuna Salad with Pickles and Eggs

I brought only one cookbook with me to Florida.  Admittedly I have a large collection both in Lake Lure and here, but only one book from Lake Lure spoke to me to be included in the trip South.  It was Sara Foster's Fresh Every Day.  I love her seasonal approach to cooking and the Southern leanings of the book.  But this book is more a reflection of the new South, with twists on old Southern favorites like biscuits and cornbread.  In Sara's hands they become sweet potato biscuits and cornbread panzanella.

Some things are truly Southern.  Tuna salad with hard boiled eggs and sweet pickles is one of them.  You can eat the tuna salad in a sandwich, but how about serving it on toasted crostini with a garnish of roasted red pepper.  Sara has elevated a simple classic.  Somehow it tastes a little better to me that way.


2 6 ounce cans solid white tuna packed in water or oil (I like oil better), drained
2 large hard-boiled eggs, peeled and chopped
2 celery stalks, diced
4 small sweet pickles or 10 whole cornichons, chopped
1/3 cup mayonnaise
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill or parsley leaves
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Combine the tuna in a medium bowl with the chopped hard-boiled eggs, celery, pickles, mayonnaise, mustard, dill, salt, and pepper and stir to mix.  Cover and refrigerate for 1 hour or overnight.

Printable recipe

Now onto some exciting news for me.  I entered a contest that is being offered by my blogging buddy Dave's new website eRecipeCards.  He has gone from blogging his own posts on My Year on the Grill to establishing a website where all us can submit our recipes to share with everyone.  I am loving eRecipeCards.com so much.  It has increased the traffic on my blog and introduced me to lots of other bloggers.  It is a community of cooks both old and new.  I know many of you submit your recipes to the website.  Dave has even started a new blog called Inspired by eRecipeCards.com where he recreates recipes from those of us who contribute to the website.  He is a very supportive guy.

His first contest is being sponsored by O OLIVE OIL.

O OLIVE OIL is offering a box of their cirtrus olive oils and barrel aged vinegars to the winner.  There will also be monetary prizes for best photography and best writing skills.  I submitted an idea for a recipe to O OLIVE OIL and they liked what I suggested.  I am one of 8 bloggers who will post a recipe using O OLIVE OIL oils and vinegars and a review of the products on December 1st.  I look forward to the challenge and to your support.


  1. This tuna salad is reminiscent of my past. My mother made a similar one with dill pickles and no mustard. It doesn't get any better than a good tuna salad.

    You are so much more organized than I am. You brought one cookbook south and I brought two boxes. I'm not telling my husband or I would have to change my ways....

    Good luck with the contest Penny. Sounds like a lot of fun.

  2. That twist on tuna salad is one I would like to try. Thanks for the recipe.

  3. My son always puts the boiled eggs in his tuna salad. He makes the best around here! Looks delicious! Have a nice winter in Florida!!

  4. I must have missed your 'good-bye to Lake Lure as I didn't realise that you are now in Florida. Time flies! Tuna salad is a favorite here, and I make mine with sweet green relish. Nothing tastes better with a glass of cold milk after an afternoon of yard work!
    Good luck with the Olive Oil post - I'll be watching for it!

  5. I love tuna salad and this recipe sounds wonderful Penny.

    I am wishing you the best success in the contest!!

  6. I like this new take on tuna salad and hope to try it out! Love the addition of the red pepper.

    I have my fingers crossed for you in the contest!


  7. This is quite a fancy way of serving tuna salad. I think this would make a wonderful appetizer for the holidays.

  8. Great presentation of the tuna salad and congratulations on being selected as a contest entrant - good luck with it.
