Saturday, November 26, 2011

Mahogany Cornish Hens

I am calling this a mahogany Cornish hen.  Because I drizzled it with honey before baking, it came out a little darker than I would have liked.  But there is no denying the excellent flavor.

I did not roast a turkey this year.  We spent Thanksgiving at our friends' home and my only contribution was a butternut squash casserole.  We missed our family but it was interesting to view another familiy's rituals, which to be quite honest, were so much like our own.  Generations, from the revered older uncle to the youngest one year old tripping over doorway steps and trying to pull knives out of the open dishwasher, were all present and accounted for.  The turkey, mashed potatoes and dressing, not to mention the crockpot full of gravy were all just right.  On that one day in November we are all the same.  Thank you Stephanie and Bruce for a great day.

So on Friday, because I was not preoccupied with shopping, I decided I would make Cornish hens to feel a part of the Thanksgiving weekend.  Black Friday shopping is not for me, but we actually did venture out to a big box store to take advantage of the sale on appliances.  We ordered a new stainless steel gas stove and refrigerator.  They will be delivered on December 10th.  In the meantime, we have to get a propane tank and a gas line into the house. I love my gas stove in Lake Lure and look forward to replacing the electric stove here.

The Cornish hens were an experiment.  I received my package of O OLIVE OIL'S blood orange olive oil and porto vinegar and have been enjoying the flavors.  I will be posting my contest entry recipe on December 1st.  I am one of 8 contestants in the eRecipeCards cookoff.  We will be judged on our recipe, our writing style and our photography.  I would appreciate your vote on December 1st.

But back to the Cornish hens.  The recipe was simply a matter of drizzling spatchcocked Cornish hens with honey, olive oil and balsamic style vinegar.  They were seasoned with chopped rosemary and salt and pepper and baked in a 400 degree F. oven until done.  My only advice is to have a very sharp knife to remove the backbones and press down hard on the breasts to flatten the birds.

I will see you back here on Thursday.  I have given my entry recipe much thought and hope it is a winner.  It showcases the citrusy flavors of the olive oil and the smoky nuances of the port vinegar.  Now if I just had a new camera  . . . .  early Christmas present maybe?


  1. Penny, I have been eyeing Cornish hens. It's been a long time. I could easily sit down and enjoy this bird with you. Congrats on the new appliances. Enjoy in good health.

  2. First the duck on Susan's post, and now Cornish Hen on yours.....poultry heaven! I haven't done these for years, and this looks delicious. I'll be watching your blog on December 1st.

  3. I enjoy making Cornish Game Hens. Like Susan, we haven't had them in a long time. Good luck in the recipe challenge. I will be checking back next week.

  4. Hi Penny,
    Your Cornish Hens sound great. I remember the first time I cooked for you and David I made Cornish Hens!

    We had the traditional T-day dinner. One son from Charlotte was visiting.


  5. I re-pinned this delicious-looking photo from you on Pinterest today, so I had to come over to get the story. ;)
    Enjoy your new stove and refrig! (I have had a gas stove in the city, loved it. Have had electric here in the country for years, hate it.) And good luck in the contest - you will do marvelously because you make delicious food and always make it look beautiful.

  6. Gosh, I'd give anything for a gas stove! Not going to happen anytime soon, though.
    Your game hens look good; the honey was a nice idea, Penny.
    Good luck with the contest....hope I remember to check back!

  7. Congratulations on your win with O Olive oil. I will be back on Thurday to see your recipe. Your hens looks to tasty!
