Monday, August 20, 2012

Biscoff Kiss Cookies

I have three little girls coming to visit soon.  I wanted to make some cookies especially for them.  What better option than these pink sprinkled kiss cookies.  I found the recipe originally on Foodgawker.  It came from  The Cafe Sucre Farine blog.  Thank you to Chris for such a fun recipe.  Take a look at her beautiful cookies.  Mine would have looked better if I had pink food coloring.

What makes these cookies so good is the addition of Biscoff Spread.  It is used in place of peanut butter and I love the flavor.  It is made from biscoff cookies that are made in Belgium by the Lotus Baking Company.  It tastes like a graham cracker spread.  I was surprised that my supermarket carried biscoff spread right next to the peanut butter.

The addition of Hershey's Hugs (kiss) in the center just makes them even more special.  Now I just have to come up with a cookie for the two little boys who will be here.

BISCOFF KISS COOKIES (Recipe from The Cafe Sucre Farine)

1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
1/2 cup biscoff spread or peanut butter
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon pink gel food coloring
1/2 cup pink sanding sugar
Hershey's hugs unwrapped (recipe called for 48 but I needed only32)

Heat oven to 375 degrees F.

In the bowl of a stand mixer combine sugars, butter and biscoff spread.  Beat on medium speed until light and fluffy.  Add the egg and vanilla and beat for a few minutes more.

Combine salt, flour and baking soda.  Add in 3 additions to bowl of mixer on low speed.  Beat until all is incorporated.

Add pink gel food coloring and mix well.  Add additional pink gel until desired color is achieved.

Shape dough into 1-inch balls.  Roll balls in pink sanding sugar and place balls 2-inches apart of ungreased baking sheet.  

Bake in batch es for 8 to 10 minutes.  Remove from oven and immediately press a Hershey's hug into center of each cookie.  Remove to a rack to cool.

Printable recipe


  1. Those look so good. If they were in my house, I probably would be eating them up and there would be no cookies left for the grands :-)

  2. ahh they do look so good, I could go for one right now! I have seen Biscoff spread in my grocery store too, I will have to try it one of these days!

  3. I've never heard of Biscoff spread. I'll have to look for it. They look delicious.

  4. What incredible timing! I saw Biscoff in a local grocery store on Saturday for the first time.

    I think those cookies are lovely!

  5. These look delicious! This is the second recipe I've seen in the past couple days that uses Biscoff - something I'd never before heard of. I'll have to look for it.

  6. These look like a winner because they're going to make eyes pop before they're even tasted. I don't think that I've ever seen Biscoff Spread, but I picked up a giant-sized 2-pack of Nutella from Costco, so maybe I'll try that. Thanks for sharing. Cookie Season is almost upon us!!!

  7. Bet they're delish.......and hopefully lo-cal!!!!!

    Never heard of Biscoff spread but adore Biscoff cookies!

    Mary X

  8. Hope the adults who will be there get to partake of those delicious cookies as well!
