Friday, July 6, 2012

Raspberry Tart for the 4th of July

We are back from our travels.  I have many more pictures and adventures to share with you but decided to give you a break -  vacation picture overload, so to speak.  We had a great 4th of July with the kids.  Granddaughter Rachel had fun jumping off of the dock and we all enjoyed the fireworks from the boat.

We cooked chicken and hamburgers on the grill; pretty standard holiday fare.  But I couldn't resist making a French inspired dessert.  One of the delights of being in France is visiting patisseries in every town.  The raspberry tarts are near perfection.

For this recipe I combined several different ideas.  The crust is so easy.  It is a cookie crust and is easy to pat into the tart pan.  The step by step directions are here.  The pastry cream comes from Laura Calder of the Cooking Channel show French Food at Home.  You can find the recipe here.  The raspberries and blueberries were arranged on the top for a finishing touch.  Sprinkle with powdered sugar if you prefer.

This tasted so good on a HOT summer night.


  1. I wasn't expecting you home yet. Thought you had taken a temporary residence in France!!!! Will be anxious to read more. We will finally be in Montana by early this next week. And the tart....we'll no words needed!!!

  2. That was a long vacation! I had fun following your adventures. Thank you for sharing them. The tart....MMMMmmmmm...The cookie crust would work for me...I have such a hard time getting crusts from the mat to the pan. Will give this a try.

  3. Sounds like the perfect summer - or any time - tart! Raspberries are my favorite soft fruit - know I'll be trying it soon!.

    How does it feel to be home again? I'm still adjusting, and it's hard in these scorching temps.

    Hugs - Mary

  4. The tart looks delicious and very French. Thanks for the recipe links. Glad you are home and had a fun 4th with your family.

  5. That tart looks soooo good! I may just have to try it!
    Tired of your vacation posts?...never!

  6. Welcome home! I'll have fun making this tart when things slow down a bit. I can't believe you're hosting guests already! What a gal!

  7. Your tart could be in a window of a French patesserie. It's really lovely. Glad to know you're home safe. Can't wait to see more of your French trip.
    Happy belated 4th.

  8. It looks delicious and glad me got home safely - hope it was a less eventful trip than the one over.

  9. Hi Penny, it has been such a long while since we've visited and I see that you made your long-awaited trip to France! I'm very happy for you and have been loving reading your posts and seeing those great photos. Delicious looking tart, too!
