Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Happenings

Spring is in full bloom and the Easter weekend was full of fun times.  Granddaughter Rachel and the neighbor kids enjoyed an early morning Easter egg hunt.

There were so many eggs that her basket was full.

Cameron will have to wait until next year to participate because he is still a little unsteady walking on his own.

But the older kids shared with him.

DIL Kristen made the most delicious Easter brunch for us.  The menu included Crispy Smoked Mozzarella with Honey and Figs, Sour Cream Coffee Cake, Bangers and Pierogies, Leek and Herb Frittata and Mixed Fruit Salad.  She got the bangers from the local meat market where they are made in house.  They were recommended to her by British friends who claimed them to be very authentic.

The Smoked Mozzerella with Honey and Figs was a fantastic recipe from Giada DeLaurentiis.  You can find the recipe here.

After all of that wonderful food, some of us worked it off jumping rope.  I wasn't one of them.  Hope everyone had a great weekend.  We certainly did.


  1. What a spread! It all looks delicious! And the kids look like they are having a ball. I know you had a wonderful day!


  2. How lovely! I have no idea what a perogie is but I am sure with bangers, it is fabulous! Lovely to be in touch with you, Penny.

  3. Looks like a good time was had by all and the food all sounds good, but that stack of locally made sausages looks to die for.

  4. Great photos of a lovely family Easter, Penny.

  5. We had the best weekend with you guys! Looking forward to seeing you again soon!

    Love you!

  6. What a perfect celebration; love those photos Penny.Your food really is making me hungry.Going to check out smoked mozzarella.
