Saturday, March 24, 2012

Bacon Maple Stuffed Pork Tenderloin

If you want a KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF dinner entree for your next party this is definitely it.   And believe it our not, this dish came about because I was cleaning the kitchen out in preparation for our return to Lake Lure.  I had a pork tenderloin in the freezer, dried figlets and apples, pecans, pear nectar and pure maple syrup that I did not want to take back with us.  I remembered a similar recipe from a blogger who is no longer blogging but who had great recipes.  Do any of you remember A Nod is as Good as a Wink to a Blind Horse?    George is missed by many of us.

I butterflied the pork tenderloin, mixed the stuffing ingredients together, rolled it up and wrapped bacon slices around it.  I drizzled more maple syrup on top of it, added pear nectar to the roasting dish and baked it for an hour, basting occasionally.  It came out looking like glazed perfection.

This is one of those dishes that I will make again and again.  The stuffing was sweet and moist and the pork was tender and tasty with it's cloak of bacon.

This is a real winner.  I can hardly wait to make it again.  That will happen in my Lake Lure Kitchen.  We are leaving the first of the week.  I will be posting again at the end of next week.  I have a lot of organizing and paring down to do before we leave.

Space will be tight.


For the stuffing:
2 apples, chopped
2 cups chopped dried fruit ( I used a combination of figs and dried apples)
1 cup dried bread crumbs
1/2 cup chopped celery
1/2 cup coarsely chopped pecans
4 green onions, chopped
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/4 apple cider or pear nectar

For the pork:
2 pork tenderloins
Salt and Pepper to taste
1/2 teaspoon cardamom (Optional)
8 slices of bacon
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/2 to 1 cup apple cider or pear nectar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Mix stuffing ingredients together and set aside.

Butterfly pork tenderloins by cutting down the middle of each one 2/3rds of the way through.  Place each between sheets of wax paper and pound out to a 1/4-inch rectangle.  Place as much stuffing as will fit easily on each one.  You will have extra to put in small casserole to cook separately.  Roll up pork starting at a long end and place seam sound down in baking pan or casserole.  Wrap each tenderloin with 4 slices of bacon.

Drizzle tops of each one with maple syrup and pour 1/2 cup apple cider or pear nectar into pan.  Place in oven and cook for 1 hour basting occasionally and adding more liquid if pan starts to caramalize too quickly.

Remove from oven and let rest covered for 5 minutes.  Slice and serve.

Printable recipe


  1. I remember this recipe though have not tried it. Always fun, changing kitchens and all that entails....sigh Yes, I miss George a lot and think of him often. He always had such nice comments on the blogs he visited and was quite the chef. I have sent him an email in the last year and did not hear back from him. Safe travels to you. Early spring up north, so you might as well take advantage of it. Anxious to see you blogging from Lake Lure. Susan

    1. Thank you Susan. I agree about George. Wish he would come back. I also emailed with no response. Hey George! Where are you? Interesting meal tonight. It involves left over rosemary bread stuffing, roasted cauliflower, carrots and onions and that great pork tenderloin. I think I get more creative when I am limited to what is in the kitchen.

  2. It looks wonderful, Penny. I have never cooked with figs...this would be a first. It really looks beautiful.

    Have a safe trip home. We will be visiting Asheville in May!


    1. Let me know when you are coming Jane and we will get together.

  3. We enjoy pork tenderloin. This is going on my board of Recipes I Must Make. Love the combination of ingredients.Enjoy your return to Lake Lure.
    Love that picture of the car.

  4. Sounds wonderful....I volunteer to help eat it at Lake Lure :-)

    Can't wait to see you again.

  5. Oh my goodness but this looks like a keeper! We love pork and maple syrup and bacon - this will be on our table soon. Thanks Penny!

    1. Hope you like it H. Like I said it is a keeper.

  6. Oh wow, definitely looks and sounds like a winner for sure! I think I'm going to make this for Sunday dinner - perfect! Enjoy your last weekend in Florida. Glad we are having nice weather, but I bet it will make it harder to leave. Thanks for stopping by this morning. It's great to reconnect with my blogging buddies! :)

    1. Thanks Martha. Great to see you back. The trip back is bittersweet. So many friends here and so many there. But love my Lake Lure Kitchen.

  7. This looks amazing! Really delicious. I've already added the recipe to my file to try ~ I can't wait. Good luck with getting everything ready for your return!

  8. Thanks Eileen. Hope you get a chance to try it.

  9. Have a safe trip back up North Penny.

    1. Thanks Larry. I heard the blogger event was Memorial Day weekend this year. We will be celebrating our granddaughters 6th birthday at the beach. Wish we could be there.

    2. Hi Penny, glad you're back in NC. Thought we were celebrating Rachel's BD the weekend after Memorial Day. You might want to check with Kristen. Wasn't that video of cam-man walking cute?
      Looking forward to seeing you!

    3. Hi Penny, glad you're back in NC. Thought we were celebrating Rachel's BD the weekend after Memorial Day. You might want to check with Kristen. Wasn't that video of cam-man walking cute?
      Looking forward to seeing you!

    4. Hi Penny, glad you're back in NC. Thought we were celebrating Rachel's BD the weekend after Memorial Day. You might want to check with Kristen. Wasn't that video of cam-man walking cute?
      Looking forward to seeing you!

  10. I remember George and loved his recipes. He was on his way to Florida to help a parent and we never heard another thing from him. It always upsets me when bloggers disappear with no warning.
    Anyway, this is a great recipe, Penny.
    Have a safe trip to Lake Lure!

    1. George got his parents settled in a care facility and then I never heard another thing. Thanks for the comment Barbara.

  11. Looks really good Penny. Happy Trails!

  12. Thanks Joan. I was tempted to call you Dale. LOL. Will be back with you in Fla. in the Fall.

  13. This looks like a dish I am ready to make a.s.a.p! Thanks so much!

  14. Are you back Jann? Last time I checked you were in Paris. Loved your post.

  15. I miss George too. This pork tenderloin looks like it would impress anyone, even a vegetarian. The stuffing of dried fruits and nuts looks marvelous!

    1. Thanks for the kind words Christine. I am envious of your trip to NYC recently. Glad Alex did so well.

  16. Replies
    1. Katy! So glad to hear from you. I haven't been great at comments lately, but still keep up with you.

  17. Knock your socks off is always good. It looks so pretty too cut open on the platter.

    I do remember George and miss him. I keep hoping he will come back one day. I even check from time to time.

    Have a safe trip.

  18. Thanks Sam. Maybe we can get together this Summer.

  19. Wow! This recipe has already been "bookmarked". Happy trails to you and safe travel.


  20. Penny, this looks amazing. definitely must try next. So happy you are back at the lake. Missed you!

  21. Hey I've got a pork tenderloin in my freezer and my boyfriend gave up eating wheat. I think I will give this a shot. Thanks! :)
