Saturday, January 21, 2012

Helpful Hints from My Cottage Kitchen 2

I started writing a periodic blog post called "Helpful Hints from my Cottage Kitchen" back in April of last year.  Here is the post where I wrote about one of my favorite pans.  Since that time, I have neglected the project but haven't forgotten about it.  While we were in Charleston for the New Years Holiday, we girls spent one day shopping in the historic downtown area.  Across the street from the place we had lunch ( High Cotton) was a wonderful cooking store called Charleston Cooks!   They had so many unique gadgets that we all came home with something.  Jackie got a butter keeper.  It keeps butter at room temperature in a sealed container on your counter.  I have one and it is so nice to always have room temperature butter to spread on toast or bread.  Barbara got a salt pig.  Again something I already have.  Kosher salt in a protected porcelain "thingy" right at your fingertips.   This is what I got.

Sometimes when I prebake a pie crust before I add the filling, the fluted edges get too brown when the pie goes back into the oven with the filling.  All of the self-help cooking manuals tell you to cover the crust with pieces of aluminum foil.  I'm sorry, but that just doesn't work for me. It is too clumsy and hard to get the aluminum foil around the edges of the dish.  These silicone pie shields are genius!  They fit just right, even over highly fluted edges.  The package includes 5 pieces.  I only needed 4 for a standard 9" pie, but if you have a 12" pie dish you are covered.  This was worth the $8.00 I had to pay for it.

The pie shields are great.  I made this quiche recently and realized that the edges were browning too quickly.  I plopped the silicone shields on it and all was well.  Here is the source for them from Charleston Cooks!  But I am sure you could also find them on Amazon.  I hope you find this helpful.  I know it has made me very happy.  But then it doesn't take much to make me happy.  My husband is grateful.  


  1. What a good idea - and something I've never seen. I made two pies last week, so was busy with the fiddly pieces of aluminum foil, which always seem to fall off at the slightest touch.

  2. I'm glad David is happy that you are happy. A pastry shield is pretty undemanding on his part. I am, as they say, LMAO, ROF, etc. Really.
    But really, how could you not be happy in warm Florida breezes. Brrrr here. Still, though, I'm happy.

  3. I'd much rather have these then play with foil. I will have to check out the source and see what other goodies are there. It sounds like you were at a wonderful shop!


  4. I've never had much luck with foil either. I've been thinking of investing in a pie shield for this reason. Thank you for sounding off that this particular pie shield was a good purchase!

  5. Sharon, Glad you got my TIC. It's a Keeler thing.

  6. Nothing beats a great kitchen store when I am travelling. I always look at those butter keepers and the salt pigs and you have them; please let me know if I should get them. I know I will buy the pie shields;foil is never works for me. I love it when someone reviews gadgets etc. Great post Penny.

  7. I don't normally buy many gadgets, but this one sounds like a winner. Could spend the day in a good kitchen store.

  8. Sometimes it is the little things that make a difference. I had this pot scraper made of hard plastic that did wonders for cleaning pans and casserole dishes, and it has disappeared! I am out to find a new one. Like Sam, I could spend hours in a great kitchen store.

  9. Love that pie crust shield -- I sometimes put the tin foil around the crust and what a pain in the neck! I also have to get one of those butter keepers, I've been wanting one for years and STILL haven't gotten one!

  10. My oven cooks a little on the hot side and I always have a problem with crusts that brown too quickly. Thanks, Penny, this is a great tip and something I will track down.

  11. Super idea, Penny! I love Charleston...the food is great, the antique shopping is wonderful and now I can add your find to my list when we go for the house tour in the spring!

  12. What a great idea this is! This must surely come in handy during the holidays.

  13. Hi, I'm new to your blog, I found you on Pinterest :)
    I can't stand the "too brown" edges on a piecrust and have always used foil. It is a pain. Thanks for this post, I'm off to the link you provided!

  14. We're heading to ChArleston for theCooper Bridge Run the 1st weekend in April. Can't wait to see the blooming azaleas, although we haven't had much of a winter, so far. I want some significant snow!
