Friday, October 7, 2011


What Cassoulet is to France, Cocido is to Spain.  This Spanish soup has many variations depending on the region in which it is made.  Basically it is a brothy pot of chickpeas, with many kinds of meat and vegetables.  In Madrid the main meat is beef, but this version from Galicia, where pork is produced, relies more on the meat from the pig.  The original recipe came from The Dean and Deluca Cookbook by David Rosengarten.  I made a few changes to it.

The amount of meat called for sounds staggering.  I kept the butcher at the Fresh Market busy gathering together what I needed.  There was the stewing chicken which I could not find, so substituted whole chicken legs.  There was the pork loin which was easy enough.  It called for a veal shank, but I chose to use a beef shank which was half the price.  A ham hock was added to my purchases and then chorizo sausages.  By this time the butcher was ready to throw in an extra sausage for free.  It was nice of him.

The soup takes a while to cook.  The dried chickpeas have to be soaked overnight and the meat simmers in the broth and chickpeas for 2 1/2 hours.  Then the vegetables are added; onions, carrots, parsnips, potatoes and cabbage if you have room.  My largest stock pot was full to the brim with no room for cabbage.  The recipe I was following didn't call for it anyway.

I was thinking to myself by this time that I had much too much soup.  I would suggest that you halve the recipe.  But I have a feeling that it will freeze well and I will be happy with all of the leftovers.  It was a very satisfying soup and I will make it again.

COCIDO (Adapted from The Dean and Deluca Cookbook)

3 cups dried chickpeas, soaked in water overnight ( 1 1/2 lbs dried chickpeas)
3 Whole large chicken legs skinned and separated into legs and thighs
1 pound pork loin cut into 3-inch chunks
1 pound ham hock
1 pound beef shank
2 cups dry white wine
1 quart chicken stock
1 quart water
6 chorizo sausages
1 large onion, minced
3 large garlic cloves, mionced
4 medium waxy potatoes, peeled and cubed
3 parships, peeled and coarsely diced
3 carrots, coarsely diced
1 bay leaf
1 fresh red hot chili pepper (optional)  I used red pepper flakes at the end of cooking

Drain the chickpeas and place then in a large stockpot.  Add the chicken, pork loin, ham hock, beef shank, wine, chicken stock, and water.  Bring to a boil, remove froth, reduce heat to moderate, and simmer gently, uncovered, for 2 1/2 hours.

Add the chorizos, onion, garlic, potatoes, parsnips, carrots, bay leaf, and chili.  Simmer gently, uncovered for 1 hour more.

When ready to serve cocido, remove ham hock and beef shank.  Cut meat off of the bones, discard bones, and return shredded meat to stock pot.  Remove the bay leaf.  I also had to remove the bones from the chicken because it had cooked to shreds.

Divide among soup bowls and serve.  Serves 6.  I would say it serves more, especially if you cut the chorizos into pieces.

Printable recipe


  1. I love trying something I have never heard of...I've had this cookbook for years, too!! It really sounds delicious and I notice there aren't a lot of herbs or spices in it so the flavor must come from all the meats. Heavenly! Definitely going to try it!

    I may be meeting Barb tomorrow if our travel plans are kept to. Can't wait!


  2. Thank you for sharing this recipe. This would really warm the cockles of the heart in the winter...

  3. This looks and sounds great to me with the wonderful mix of ingredients. It's perfect for this time of year.

  4. That sounds comforting and delicious! I was at the Fresh Market today in my hair cut at Bliss and then hopped over to pick up the makings of Boeuf Bourguignon.
    p.s. you got my email about the week of the 17th?

  5. I know what you mean about gathering ingredients, Penny. Certainly for cassoulet, and more recently, we made bouillabaise. An all day event. But worth it.
    I've never heard of cocido, but it's another of those dishes I love to make on a rainy day. Thanks for the background and recipe!

  6. A wonderful looking recipe and one that I am sure I would enjoy now Autumn is here....cassoulet I love, as well as all the other French gratin dishes!
    Karen @ Lavender and Lovage

  7. This looks great and sounds like such a wonderful recipe! This is going on my "when the weather cools down in Florida" list of recipes to make :-)

  8. This sounds like a delicious soup, Penny. Each of the meats would give its own special flavors to the soup, and all that slow simmering brings out the best of everything. Perfect for a cold, rainy fall day.

  9. I'm behind in blog reading and sure glad I caught up with this one as it sounds fantastic and will surely be tried here

  10. I love to make this in the winter for Sunday lunch.

    Come on over to Lindaraxa. there's a small surprise for you and very apropos.

  11. This looks great, although I'm gonna have to make some modifications to make it work my teeny tiny Barbie Dream House crock pot. But it's the time of year to start cooking up stuff like this, and your pics are gorgeous. I'm on board!!!
