Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A Study in Quiche Photography

I am getting a crash course in photography from an expert in the field.  Cristobal and Kathleen with Azul Photography are visiting us this week along with our Son and Daughter-In-Law.  The good news is that Cristobal has approved of my camera which is a Panasonic DMC digital model.  The bad news is that I have a lot to learn.  I have never taken the time to play with all of the settings.  By the way, that first picture has a major flaw-my finger smudge on the lens.

We had a zucchini quiche for dinner last night and he showed me how to set the color and depth on my shots.  As most of you know, natural light is the best for food shots.  But sometimes it is dark before you have a chance to photograph anything.  I am trying to learn to eliminate the yellow cast that is produced by incandescent light.

I am enjoying the lessons.  The quiche wasn't bad either.  We kept it simple for the kids.  I grated the zucchini and kept the flavors mild to let the egg custard and Manchego cheese take center stage.


Pastry for a 9" pie plate
2 to 3 zucchinis, shredded
1 tablespoon kosher salt to sweat zucchini
3 large eggs, beaten
1 1/2 cups half and half
1 1/2 cups shredded Manchago cheese ( Could substitute a mixture of Swiss and Parmesan)
1/8 tsp nutmeg
Salt and Pepper to taste

Place shredded zucchini in a colander in the sink or over a bowl.  Add the kosher salt and mix.  Let stand for 20 minutes to allow the zucchini to release it's juices.  Rinse the zucchini to eliminate the salt and squeeze it until it is very dry.

In the meantime, preheat oven to 425 degrees F.  Prick prepared pie crust all over with a fork.  Place in oven to brown slightly (about 10 minutes).  Let cool for a few minutes.

Put half of the Manchego cheese in the bottom of the pie pan.  Add all of the zucchini.

Mix together the eggs, half and half, nutmeg and salt and pepper.  Pour over the zucchini.  Add the rest of the cheese to the top.  Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees F. and bake the quiche until it is puffed and slightly browned (about 30 to 40 minutes).

Printabe recipe


  1. How lucky for you to have in house photo lessons!! Your quiche looks yummy Penny.

  2. How much fun & the quiche looks yummy too!

  3. Keep passing the tips on...I can use them!! What a great quiche!


  4. your Quiche is delicious..and don't worry I can see thrtough the pic that's wonderful..hugs, Flavia

  5. What I wouldn't give for someone built in to explain all the buttons and dials on my camera. The zucchini dish sounds as good as it looks.

  6. How lucky to have a house guest with such skills. We're all envious Penny.

    We've been chasing the daylight here too.

  7. Sounds good. And I agree with Penny - how great that you are getting photo lessons at home. :)

  8. Hmmm - I find it so much more fun to shoot cocktails. Because of the location of my kitchen, I seldom end up taking shots with any kind of natural light at all. I have a lot of settings on my camera too that I have learned, then quickly forgotten, but I'll get back to it. Keep up the good work.

  9. You are so lucky to have an expert right there in your own kitchen, Penny. Sometimes just a few simple adjustments make all the difference in the world. Hope you pass on a few tips.
    What a yummy looking quiche.
